An Open Letter Of Gratitude From Working Parents Post-Lockdown

The last few months during lockdown have been life-changing, and we do not say this lightly. For working parents, it has been both a challenging and enlightening experience. 

There has been a lot of much deserved praise and appreciation given to the key workers who kept us fed, nursed those who were sick, and provided essential care during this time. 

But we have even more to be grateful for as working parents. 

Side note: We are painfully aware that not all of these thanks are owed by some working parents, but this is a positive article about the things many of us are grateful for. If you have a comment you’d like to share about your personal experience (good or bad) please email [email protected]

To our children…

You have proven that young people really are the most resilient of us all. We underestimated you. Your lives were turned upside down, you could no longer see your friends or close relatives, and there was a lot to be fearful of. And yet, you adapted. You brought colour to dark days and kept us going. You deserve recognition for all the times you wanted us but accepted that we had to work. For all the times you wanted to go out and do something fun, but found an activity to do indoors instead. For all the times you made us smile. Thank you. 

To our colleagues…

We know you were struggling too. It was a stressful time for everyone. The patience and understanding you showed during a difficult time did not go unnoticed. We are grateful for when you were happy to reschedule our video chats because our children were fighting, and when you spent half an hour on the phone helping us catch up because we missed the team meeting. Most of all, we appreciate your kindness and support. Thank you. 

To the teachers…

We have had a glimpse into your world, and are left in no doubt that you are the best of us. The dedication you showed to make the impossible possible was inspiring. We appreciate the support you gave us, the guidance you gave, and the allowances you made. Most of all, we are grateful for you putting our children’s wellbeing first. Thank you. 

To our bosses...

Although you had no choice but to allow us to work remotely during this time, there were other choices you made that we are grateful for. The flexibility you gave us to do the work in our own time around our families gave us an opportunity to prove our commitment. The allowances you made for our parental responsibilities helped us feel seen and supported. The kind words you shared made us feel appreciated. Thank you. 

To our friends…

Lockdown taught us that we need our friends as much as (if not more than) our children need theirs. You were there to pick us up when we felt defeated. You made us laugh when we needed cheering up. You listened when we wanted to share our struggles. Somehow, being apart brought us closer together. Thank you. 

To the internet…

We don’t know what we would have done without you. Thank you. 


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