Working Parents: Five Misconceptions That Make Work-Life Harmony Unattainable

Ask any new parent and most will admit that attempting to achieve healthy work-life balance is increasingly challenging.

The fact is there aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything you did before having a child, and yet for some reason you try to do more. The new parent transition period can often feel hard whilst you adjust your expectations of what is possible and manageable.

The period between having a child and returning to work is a great time to stop and re-assess your priorities. Unless you have an army of nannies, chefs ad cleaners, if you try to continue your previous lifestyle alongside new priorities and responsibilities, you’re on a fast track to hitting burn out and disappointment.

Similarly if you neglect to make the necessary changes to prioritise what is important to you now, it will only result in more stress.

This blog article is my attempt at busting some popular misconceptions with the aim of helping newbie parents find some more useful...

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Top Ten Tips to Prepare for Motherhood

Hindsight is a wonderful gift and a particularly helpful one if you are pregnant for the 1st time. At Thrive we would like to share some top tips with you on how you can best prepare for Motherhood, so that the transition is as smooth as it can be, with fewer unknowns and unhelpful surprises.

These top tips come from a multitude of sources - the Team’s personal experiences, those experiences of friends and families, helping 100s of women professionally and of course, medical papers and articles. We have distilled them into a “Top Ten Tips” list, based on how much they have helped others. If you would like more detail on these tips, please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us at : [email protected]

1. Understand the hormonal and physiological changes your body is undergoing

Increase your knowledge of the hormonal and physiological changes you are going through, so that you understand how to best  take care of yourself. It is...

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